Friday Night Work in Progress:
We hear people doing lots of fun things on Friday night. They make plans well in advance for this special night to be able to do something that helps them to kind of relax and wind down after a long week of work.
For me my stress buster is to make jewellery, hence Friday night is perfect time to make something new.
Nothing refreshes me more than working on a new piece of jewellery, with some music in the background.Perfect plan for a Friday night when I need a wind down :-)
I take out my beads (hundreds of them), my tools, some clasps, bead stopper, some fancy looking charms, pendants on my table. And literally gaze through them :-) Sometimes the piece that I am working on is finished in one go. While other times, I keep on experimenting with beads and designs until I am happy with the final product.
Today is the day where I managed to finish this in one go :-)
So this piece of jewellery was initially supposed to be only a necklace, but then I made a matching bracelet and pair of earrings too. This is because lots of people like to wear matching pieces of jewellery.
These gorgeous blue beads are pearls, the other blue and rose gold oval beads are synthetic hematite gemstone beads and the one in blue and gold is from Indonesia. This Indonesian bead is a handmade bead.
The wire I use for stringing is Beadalon, 49 strand, 0.018 inch - very strong, durable and kink free. I use this for all of my necklaces. I somehow don’t want to try other brands because I think I have already found the one I like. This one is slightly on an expensive side compared to other stringing wires. But it works great for me for the above mentioned reasons.
The heart clasp is fastened at the end of wire after using crimp beads. These clasps are lead and cadmium free making it perfect for people with sensitive skin.
This beaded necklace for women is a perfect gift for either yourself or someone you know will love this colour and pearls.
I like to make bespoke pieces of jewellery that are rare to find. No one else could have the same piece of jewellery unless I make another similar piece ;) Isn’t that so cool? :-)
Well, this beaded jewellery piece is now almost finished and I will soon post the link to view the complete details of this project.
Thanks for reading! Hope you all have a great Friday night and a wonderful weekend!